Friday, 11 January 2013

The economy in the world

When living in Brazil I still follow news from Denmark, get updates from my family, friends and former colleagues.
There are so much bad news, companies firing, economical issues everywhere...

Comparing this to Brazil then there is so much differences. Optimisme, looking forward towards the olympics and world cup football, really busy car dealers, eletronic stores, supermarkets, restaurants... Its great with this optimisme.
On the other hand Brazil has an increase in private loans and its very easy and common to buy items and pay over 12 month. Which should be a bit alarming for the government.
Together with all the government construction work preparing for the big tournements - it keeps the country moving forward, where others are in a stand still.

Its terrible to see all the those fanzy EU employees and politicians talking, discussing, having meetings, earning lots of money tax-free and then nothing happens.
In that sense EU is f...... ridiculous!
Move your asses !!

For all private companies I recommend a travel to Brazil to experience the buying power of people here... (including the helipads at shopping centers for the ones that spend serious money) !

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

A New Year

So much has happened in 2012 so let describe the main parts here... its a bit crazy :

- found the love of my life, and married her (cool )
- turned 40 years (which only a number of course)
- moved to Brazil
- delivered all papers to Federal Police, DETRAN, Cartorio

and now finally everything is in place for being allowed to stay permanently, allowed to work, got CPF number, will get drivers license....

So many documents to be retrieved, copied, notified, translated, authorised and handed over to authorities - and everything in português (which I don't speak fully) - What a job...

It really couldn't have been done relatively easy without all the time and energy from my wife - Thank you so much !!

I know 2013 will not be the same !

My main goal for 2013 is to:
- learn and speak português
- get money working
- buy a car
- and go to the Brazil vs. Japan football game here in Brasilia for the FIFA Confideration Cup - so cool !
- so many thing more!
Enjoying the weather, the friendlyness of the brazilians, cold Caipirinhas, fantastic barbeques and enjoy that my daughter is getting even better at school!

Whatever your goals are for 2013 - Make it happen !!!